Biodegradable shopping bags broken in temparature environment

Biodegradable shopping bags broken in temparature environment

November 23, 2023 By cloth

What are biodegradable shopping bags?

Biodegradable shopping bags are bags can break down and decompose naturally over time, returning to the environment in a way that doesn’t harm it. These bags are typically made from materials that can be broken down by microorganisms into natural substances such as water, carbon dioxide, and biomass.

marketing shopping bags

Types of biodegradable materials used in the production of these bags, including:


Some biodegradable bags are made from bioplastics, which are derived from renewable resources like cornstarch, sugarcane, or potato starch. These bags can break down more easily than traditional plastics.


Paper bags are often considered biodegradable because they are made from natural fibers. However, the environmental impact of paper bags depends on factors such as the source of the paper and the energy and resources used in their production.

Starch-Based Materials:

Bags made from starch-based materials, such as polylactic acid (PLA), can be biodegradable. PLA is derived from fermented plant sugars, usually from corn or sugarcane.

Hereby that the term “biodegradable” doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing in all contexts. Some materials may break down more quickly or completely under certain conditions, and the effectiveness of biodegradation depends on factors like temperature, humidity, and the presence of specific microorganisms. Such bags just as compostable shopping bags.

However, in another side, some of biodegradable bags can’t degradate into orignaic matter and return to the nature and the soil. They only break down into microplastic pieces in short time, and still being harmful to our evironment , as same as one of traditional plastic bags. We track such bags are made of blend material include of biodegradable additive and fuel fossil chemical material. They are often called as biodegradable bags. such as our cheap shopping bags.

While biodegradable shopping bags are often promoted as a more environmentally friendly option compared to traditional plastic bags, it’s crucial to consider the entire lifecycle of the bag, including its production and disposal. Additionally, some biodegradable materials may require specific conditions, such as industrial composting facilities, to break down efficiently. If these bags end up in landfills, where conditions for biodegradation may be limited, they might not break down as intended. If they only become microplatic pieces , then people need dispose them in plastic burning way. Therefore, proper disposal methods and waste management practices are essential for maximizing the environmental benefits of biodegradable shopping bags.

How to use biodegradable shopping bags in rightly?

Using biodegradable shopping bags responsibly is essential to maximize their environmental benefits. how to use biodegradable shopping bags correctly:

biodegradable shopping bags

Choose High-Quality Bags:

Opt for well-made, high-quality biodegradable bags. Look for bags that meet industry standards for biodegradability and are certified by organizations like the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) for compostable certificates.

Reuse Bags:

Use biodegradable bags multiple times before disposing of them. The more you can reuse a bag, the lower its overall environmental impact.

Separate Waste:

Sort your waste and dispose of recyclables in appropriate bins. While biodegradable bags break down more easily than traditional plastic, it’s still important to recycle when possible.

Avoid Contamination:

Ensure that biodegradable bags are not contaminated with non-biodegradable materials. Contamination can slow down the biodegradation process and may result in improper disposal.

Dispose of Properly:

Check with local waste management authorities to understand how to properly dispose of biodegradable bags. Some areas may have specific guidelines for their disposal, such as composting or designated waste bins.


If you have access to a composting facility or a home composting system, use biodegradable bags for organic waste. They can be included in the compost, facilitating the decomposition process.

Reduce Overall Bag Usage:

Minimize the number of bags you use by bringing your own reusable bags when shopping. Reducing overall bag consumption is one of the most effective ways to decrease environmental impact.

Store Bags Properly:

Keep biodegradable bags in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Exposure to heat and sunlight can accelerate the degradation process, shortening the shelf life of the bags.

Be Mindful of the Material:

Some biodegradable bags are made from specific materials, such as cornstarch-based PLA (polylactic acid). Understand the properties of the material and follow any guidelines provided by the manufacturer.

In Summary, biodegradable bags are a more environmentally friendly option than traditional plastic bags, they are not a complete solution. Reducing overall consumption, reusing bags, and proper waste management practices are crucial components of a sustainable approach to shopping and waste disposal.

How to dispose of used biodegaradable shopping bags ?

The proper disposal of used biodegradable shopping bags depends on the specific type of biodegradable material they are made from and the available waste management infrastructure in your area. Here are general guidelines that you can follow:

Check the Label:

  • Look for any disposal instructions or recommendations provided on the packaging or label of the biodegradable shopping bags. The manufacturer may provide specific guidance.

Separate Compostable Waste:

  • If the biodegradable shopping bags are labeled as compostable and meet relevant standards (such as ASTM D6400 or EN 13432), you may be able to dispose of them in a composting facility. Separate them from other waste and place them in your compost bin if you have one.

Home Composting (if applicable):

  • Some biodegradable materials are suitable for home composting. Check if your local waste management guidelines allow for the composting of biodegradable bags in backyard compost bins. If so, cut the bags into smaller pieces to facilitate decomposition and add them to your compost.

Municipal Composting Programs:

  • In areas with municipal composting programs, check whether they accept biodegradable bags. Some industrial composting facilities can process certain types of biodegradable plastics. Ensure that the bags meet the facility’s requirements before disposal.

Landfill Disposal:

  • If composting is not an option, and the bags are labeled as biodegradable but not compostable, you may dispose of them in a landfill. However, note that the biodegradation process may not occur as efficiently in a landfill environment compared to composting.

Follow Local Guidelines:

  • Familiarize yourself with local waste disposal guidelines and regulations. Municipalities may have specific rules regarding the disposal of biodegradable materials, so it’s essential to follow their recommendations.

Avoid Mixing with Regular Plastic Waste:

  • Do not mix biodegradable bags with regular plastic waste unless explicitly instructed to do so. Combining different types of materials can disrupt the recycling or composting processes.

Dispose Responsibly:

Whether you choose composting, landfill disposal, or recycling, ensure that you dispose of the bags responsibly. Avoid littering, as this can contribute to environmental pollution.

Always keep in mind that the biodegradability of a material depends on specific conditions, and the efficiency of decomposition may vary. Following the recommended disposal methods helps maximize the environmental benefits of biodegradable products. If in doubt, contact your local waste management authority for guidance on the proper disposal of biodegradable materials in your area.