Compostable poop bags should decompost  within 100 days to 200 days after expose in the air or moisture on normal temperature.

Compostable poop bags are designed to biodegrade relatively quickly, especially in a composting environment. However, the exact time it takes for these bags to break down can vary depending on several factors.  Including the specific materials used in the bags, environmental conditions, and the composting process itself.

In a well-managed industrial composting facility, compostable bags can typically break down within a few weeks to a few months. Therefore industrial composting facilities provide the ideal conditions for rapid decomposition, with controlled temperature, humidity, and microbial activity.

In a backyard compost pile, the decomposition time may be longer, often ranging from a few months to a year or more. The exact duration depends on the temperature and conditions within the compost pile, as well as the mix of materials being composted.

It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the poop bag’s packaging regarding proper disposal. For example, some compostable bags may require specific conditions to break down effectively, and they may not degrade as quickly in a landfill or if left in the natural environment.

In summary, compostable poop bags can biodegrade relatively quickly, especially in composting environments, but the exact time can vary depending on the specific circumstances.  Proper disposal in a composting facility or compost pile is good solution to maximize their biodegradation.

How should we deal with dog waste by using compostable poop bags after dog poop ?

Dealing with compostable poop bags when cleaning up after your pet requires proper disposal.  To ensure they break down efficiently and do not harm the environment. Here are steps to handle them responsibly:

  1. Collect Pet Waste: First, use the compostable poop bag to pick up your pet’s waste as you normally would.
  2. Check for Certification: Ensure that the poop bags you use are certified as compostable and meet recognized standards like ASTM D6400 or EN 13432.  Look for a certification logo on the packaging to confirm their compostability.
  3. Remove Any Extra Air: Before disposing of the bag, try to squeeze out any excess air to help it break down more easily.
  4. Seal the Bag: Tie a knot or securely seal the bag to prevent any odor or leakage.
  5. Dispose in Compost Bin: Place the sealed compostable poop bag in a compost bin designated for organic waste, yard waste, or pet waste. If you have a pet waste composting system specifically designed for pet waste, use that.
  6. Keep It Separate: Do not mix compostable waste bags with regular trash or recycling. They should be disposed of separately in a composting facility or system.
  7. Monitor Temperature: In backyard composting, ensure that the compost pile reaches a temperature of at least 140°F (60°C) to aid in the breakdown of the compostable bag and its contents. Turn the compost pile regularly to facilitate decomposition.
  8. Check Local Regulations: Check your local regulations and guidelines regarding pet waste disposal. Some areas may have specific rules or recommendations for handling pet waste.
  9. Avoid Flushing: Do not flush compostable poop bags down the toilet. While they can break down, they can still cause plumbing issues.
  10. Educate Others: If you share common outdoor spaces with neighbors or have a community pet area.  And encourage responsible dog waste disposal by informing others about the proper use of compostable poop bags.

Of course the effectiveness of compostable poop bags depends on the composting conditions. In industrial composting facilities or well-managed backyard composting systems.  These bags can break down efficiently, can become gone after a long time, half of a year even a year.

By following these steps and disposing of compostable poop bags properly.  You can help reduce the environmental impact of pet waste while also promoting responsible pet ownership.

While people feel such poop bags can be used in convenient and portable. They begin to like compostable poop bags, especially pet keep owner, who think they can deal with their pet waster and poops in short time.  But also these bags will not impact environment contamimation. This group of people are happy that such bag can melt into the soil in some times. They can throw used bags into trash bin and some lands in emergency.  You also can throw these bags into the poop basin, flush them off with water, that is fantastic !