biodegradable alternatives to plastic bags



  • 100% Compostable – made from cornstarch. Home Compost AS 5810 & Industrial Compost AS4736 Certified.
  • 3x Thicker than normal garbage bags, so you don’t get ‘that feeling’ when you pick up your furry friend’s business.
  • Perforated easy to separate label to open each roll so no ripping the first bag.
  • Rolls fit any standard size garbage bag holder & Oh  Dog Poop Bag Holders
  • Easy tear – making each bag effortless to grab when you need it.


 biodegradable alternatives to plastic bags

Biodegradable alternatives to plastic bags means biodegradable bags instance of chemical plastic bags, reducing their impact on the ecosystem compared to traditional plastic bags. Here are some key features and characteristics of biodegradable bags:

  1. Biodegradability: The primary feature is that these bags are designed to undergo degradation through the action of microorganisms.  Such as bacteria or fungi, into natural byproducts like water, carbon dioxide, and biomass.
  2. Materials: Environment friendly plastic bags can be made from various materials, including biodegradable polymers derived from renewable resources such as corn starch, sugarcane, or other plant-based sources. Some plastic bags also use a combination of traditional plastic and additives that enhance biodegradability.
  3. Compostability: Some biodegradable plastic bags are compostable, meaning they can break down in industrial composting facilities under controlled conditions. Compostable bags should meet specific standards, such as ASTM D6400 or EN 13432, to ensure they break down properly in composting environments.
  4. Certifications: Look for bags that have certifications from recognized organizations, such as the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) or other relevant certification bodies. These certifications provide assurance that the bags meet specific biodegradability and compostability standards.
  5. Durability: While these plastic bags aim to be environmentally friendly, it’s essential that they still serve their primary purpose of carrying goods. Some bags may balance biodegradability with durability, ensuring they can withstand typical usage during shopping.
  6. Transparency: Manufacturers may provide information about the expected time frame for biodegradation.  As well as any specific environmental conditions required for the process to occur. Transparency in labeling helps consumers understand the environmental impact of the bags.
  7. Reduced Environmental Impact: The goal of environment friendly plastic bags is to reduce the environmental impact of traditional plastic bags. This includes a decrease in the persistence of plastic waste in landfills and oceans.

Based on planted starch and fabric, and biodegradable and ecostystem contributer

recycling litter bags

Green recycling products,protect your family and others,reducing plastic pollution to environment

FDA standard pet litter bags

FDA standard products, no toxic and hardous to any person, peple use them in a east rest

Why Choose Us

  1.  We are one of professional biodegardable bag manufacturer, Focus on eco friendly standard , responsibility for each consumer
  2. We provide custom packaging designing and Sample making, With free trial design for customer for reasonable order customer.
  3. High quality and numberage of products are ensured due to our conscious manufacturing and trueworth criterion
  4. delivery on time due to we own mature suppy chain and experienced well transportation agency and production management system
  5. Our requirement standard comes from our customers order, whenever printing pattern and packging design , will comform with customer demarnds completely.
  6. We need an responsibility for society and employer, because we should charge for our clients and our products , and our business conscience to treat each business partner.
  7. Keeping commercial confidential of client, never disclose these screts to the third party for some private benefits, we comply with client’ commentment forever.
  8. Our main products are based on biodegradable bags , include of compostable pet trash bags, biodegarable shopping bags, biodegradable shipping bags and compact dog poop bags dispensers.
  9. The company owns two large size factories with 20 years history. we have a team of professional sales team. We are specialized in Free trade of ECO friendly package bags, rope sealed bags, PO bags, PE bags, PP bags, POF bags, bio-degradable bags, pet poop bags etc. Our factory provides a stop service.


F: Are compostable trash bags really compostable?

A: We can find these bags on which printing ‘compostable’ label in clear after we purchase some biodegradable trash bags. So these bag must be compostable trash bags, need treat them with decomposting facility and avoid blocking the sawage for improper disposing.

F: Which is better biodegradable or compostable trash bags?

A: I definely tell you that compostable trash bags is better than biodegradable trash bags, although biodegradable bags have already been eco friendly products. These bags can also degradate into microplastic pieces in shorter time.but they still have a potential pollution of environment, ocean and fishes. Otherwise, compostable trash bags degradate into origanic elements and become to fertilizer at last, almost no contamination.

F: How long does it take compostable trash bags to break down?

A: According to different term, compostable trash bags need different time to break down.

Under normal temperature and moisture, these bags will degradate into origanic matter completely whithin 180 days to 300 days. If we have special decomposting facility, these bags can be decomposted into origanic fertilizer in a moment. In term of High temperature and high pressure, these bags become into water , carbon dioxide and methane at last.

F: Do compostable bags break down in landfill?

A: Yes, compostable bags can break down and gone in landfill at last, only need some time to degradate. When the material of these bags is biodegradable plastic elements derived from plants, so they can have a good recyclying in the nature. And only hope you don’t throw these bags anywhere avoid further trouble matters.

F: Can compostable bags be flushed?

A: Yes, but we don’t recommand this way due to pumber blocking. Compostable bags we manufactured can degradate and gone over time, but it can’t disappear in short time at once. So it maybe block the seawage blumber after dealing with the trash or garbage. We should have a right method to dispose these compostable bags.


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