biodegradable plastic bags


  • That is biodegradable plastic bags, and can break down into microplastic pieces at last
  •  Thickness as normal trash bags, so you don’t get ‘that feeling’ when you deal with your furry friend’s business.
  • Perforated easy to separate label to open each roll so no ripping the first bag.
  • Easy tear – making each bag effortless to grab when you need it.
  • It is enough thick and durable and reused available.
  • You can have random throw off when you want deal with it


Biodegradable plastic bags

 Biodegradable plastic bag is a type of plastic bag can break down and decompose over time in the environment compared to traditional plastic bags. These bags contain biodegradable additive. Such as plant-based plastics (bioplastics) or polymers that can be broken down by natural processes.

The key characteristics of biodegradable plastic bags are as follows:

  1. Material: They are often made from 2% PBAT and PE material, these bags will break down into microplastic pieces at last, have a plastic pollutions as same as traditional plastic bags.
  2. Biodegradability: Such bags can degrade and break into micro plastic pieces When exposed to environmental conditions, such as sunlight, heat, moisture, and microorganisms. The time it takes for these bags to break down can vary depending on the specific material and environmental conditions. But it is generally faster than traditional plastic bags.
  3. Increasing environmental polution: The idea behind biodegradable plastic bags is to increasing the environmental impact of plastic pollution.  As they are less likely to persist in the environment for long periods.

It’s important to note that the term “biodegradable” can be somewhat misleading. The actual rate of biodegradation can vary significantly based on the specific material and the conditions in which the bag is disposed. In some cases, these bags may need specific conditions, such as industrial composting facilities, to break down effectively. In natural environments like landfills or the ocean, they may not degrade completely

Because of these variations, it’s crucial to choose biodegradable plastic bags that adhere to recognized standards and certifications.  Like the ASTM D6400 standard for compostable plastics in the United States or the European EN 13432 standard. These standards ensure that the bags will break down within a specific timeframe and under specified conditions.


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