Taking-off a pet poop bag from auto-downloading dispenser after your pet has done its-business in a public site is a simple process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Prepare in Advance: Before you take your pet for a walk, make sure you have a pet poop bag dispenser attached to their leash or a pocket. These dispensers often come with a roll of bags already loaded inside.
  2. Observe Your Pet: Keep an eye on your pet during the walk. When they poop, be ready to clean up after them.
  3. Stop Your Pet: If your pet starts to poop, gently pull the leash to stop them from moving away. This will give you time to clean up.
  4. Use the Poop Bag: Reach into the dispenser and pull out a single poop bag. Most dispensers have a convenient opening that allows you to easily grab a bag.
  5. Cover Your Hand: Place your hand inside the poop bag, so it’s like a glove. This will be used to pick up the poop.
  6. Pick Up the Poop: Use the bag-covered hand to pick up the poop. Make sure to scoop it all up.
  7. Turn the Bag Inside Out: With the poop now inside the bag, turn the bag inside out so that the poop is sealed within the bag. This is often referred to as “bagging” the poop.
  8. Tie a Knot: Once the poop is securely inside the bag, tie a knot at the top of the bag to seal it shut. Make sure it’s tight enough to prevent any odor or leakage.
  9. Dispose of the Bag: Find a nearby trash bin or designated pet waste station. If available, and dispose of the bag properly. Do not leave the bag on the ground or in public areas.
  10. Wash Your Hands: After disposing of the bag, it’s a good idea to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. The hands sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

As a specail pet poop bag manufacturer, What ideas will we provide for pet keeping owner ?

As a special pet poop bag manufacturer, you can provide innovative and eco-friendly solutions to pet owners. Here are some ideas to consider:

  1. Biodegradable Bags: Offer biodegradable poop bags made from materials like cornstarch, plant-based polymers, or compostable plastics. These bags break down more quickly in the environment, reducing the impact of plastic waste.
  2. Scented Bags: Create bags with pleasant scents, like lavender or citrus. They help mask odors and make the clean-up process more pleasant for pet owners.
  3. Extra-Large Bags: Design larger bags for owners of bigger dogs. For they often require larger bags to accommodate the size of the waste.
  4. Dispenser Attachments: Develop dispensers that can easily attach to a leash, belt, or pet carrier. It makes it convenient for pet owners to carry bags during walks.
  5. Colorful and Stylish Designs: Offer a range of bag designs and colors to cater to various preferences. Including patterns, prints, and seasonal themes.
  6. Easy-Open Bags: Design bags with a convenient tear-off or easy-open feature to make it simpler for pet owners to access and use the bags.
  7. Bulk Packaging: Sell bags in bulk, reducing packaging waste and providing cost-effective options for frequent pet walkers.
  8. Customization: Allow pet owners to customize their bags with their pet’s name, a photo, or a special message for a personalized touch.
  9. Educational Materials: Provide informative materials on responsible pet waste disposal, the environmental impact of plastic waste, and the benefits of using eco-friendly bags.

By offering these innovative and thoughtful solutions, you can not only attract more customers but also contribute to a cleaner environment.  And promote responsible pet ownership.

A side profile of a woman in a russet-colored turtleneck and white bag. She looks up with her eyes closed.

“ZhongYi Bags are so good, they provide us all round service.I can buy what I want to , Thanks for their good service”

— Anna Wong, Volunteer

We are focusing on coordination between the great nature and humen being, protect a good survive environment

From angle of consideration of environment protection, we provide various biodegradation bags to our customers.  In order to reduse many polution of normal plastic garbage bags, we innovate newly biodegradation garbage bags.  Replacing original plastic bags, this is technology progress, but also bring decreasing our earth polutions, people became to like such biogradable bags for their living. They deal with pet poop using it, can throw them to some reasonable sites. For such biodegrable bags can melt into the soil after a few month or some times, makes people have a good rest! I also hope some of client to learn more about our environmental protectional technology. It will bring some benefits to your parts. Of course , people will find less and less plastic bags show before their eyes, This is a happy one. We have done a contribution for the earth clean and environmental protection by using our biodegrable garbage bags.