About Biodegradable Plastic Shopping Bags ? Instead of fuel fossil bags in the future

About Biodegradable Plastic Shopping Bags ? Instead of fuel fossil bags in the future

December 10, 2023 By cloth

Under the strong pressing of plastic pollutions, for minimizing the impact for the environment, scientist discover some new resource, by which to make to some better environmentally friendly bags. These bags can break down shorter than traditional plastic bags, made of fuel fossil material, can persist hundreds of years in environment. But also biodegradable bags can degradate into orgainic matter at last, scientist adhere that Biodegradable Plastic Shopping Bags Instead of fuel fossil bags in the future.

What are biodegradable plastic shopping bags made of ?

Biodegradable plastic shopping bags are typically made from materials derived from renewable resources, and they are biodegradable bags better than plastic one, compared to traditional plastic bags. So such bags have advantages and disadvantages of biodegradable plastic bags. Common materials used in the production of these bags include:

  1. Starch-Based Plastics:
    • Bioplastics made from starch, usually derived from corn, potatoes, or other plant sources. These plastics are often used as the main component in biodegradable bags. Our special compostable retail bags
  2. Polylactic Acid (PLA):
    • PLA is a biodegradable and bioactive thermoplastic made from renewable resources, usually derived from fermented plant sugars, such as corn starch or sugarcane. Such bags can break down completely over time. such as biodegradable grocery bags.
  3. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA):
    • PHA is a family of biodegradable plastics that are synthesized by microorganisms. These can be produced from renewable resources like plant sugars or vegetable oils.
  4. Polybutylene Adipate Terephthalate (PBAT):
    • PBAT is a biodegradable polyester that is often used as a blend with other biodegradable polymers to improve flexibility and strength. As additives of raw material of plastic bag, it cost is so lower.
  5. Polyethylene with Additives:
    • Some biodegradable bags are blending traditional polyethylene with additives that enhance the material’s ability to break down. These bags price is very low, but also they can break down into microplastic pieces in short time. For example cheap shopping bags.
  6. Oxo-Biodegradable Plastics:
    • These plastics contain additives that accelerate the breakdown process when exposed to oxygen and sunlight. However, there is debate about the environmental impact and effectiveness of oxo-biodegradable plastics.
  7. Polyester Blends:
    • Blends of biodegradable polyesters and other materials may create bags with specific properties.

It’s essential to note that while they are biodegradable plastic bags really biodegradable, and are also biodegradable plastic bags recyclable. Their actual breakdown depends on various factors, including environmental conditions, disposal methods, and the specific formulation of the plastic. However, our traditional biodegarable plastic bags includes of 2% PBAT an 98% PE material , which is not eco-friendly , and degradate into microplastic pieces in normal temperature at last.

Are biodegradable plastic shopping bags really biodegaradable ?

As our viewing, the term “biodegradable” can be somewhat misleading when it comes to plastic shopping bags. Biodegradable plastics can break down more easily than traditional plastics. But the effectiveness of this process can vary depending on environmental conditions.

Biodegradable plastics typically undergo degradation through natural processes, such as exposure to sunlight, heat, and microorganisms. However, the extent to which they break down and the time it takes can vary widely. In some cases, these plastics may only fragment into smaller pieces, rather than completely breaking down into natural components. These bags are fault biodegradable shopping bags, and really made from fuel fossil chemical material, as same of traditional plastic bags.

Some standards and certifications, like ASTM D6400 and EN 13432, exist to define criteria for biodegradable plastics, but it’s essential to note that meeting these standards doesn’t necessarily guarantee rapid or complete biodegradation in all environments. For such bags, we definely tell everyone that they are really biodegradable bags. But they can’t degradate into water and carbon dioxide and methane and some of origanic elements into the soil on expose condition within 2-3 month in temperature. this may be impacted by vary factors.

In summary, while biodegradable plastics may offer some environmental benefits compared to traditional plastics, their actual impact depends on factors such as the specific material used, environmental conditions, and waste management practices. It’s crucial to consider a holistic approach to reducing plastic usage and waste, such as promoting reusable bags and improving recycling systems.

Dispose of used biodegradable plastic shopping bags

After we finish going shopping, we have these used biodegradable plastic shopping bags, we can reuse them, and fill other goods in short time. At last we should dispose them in proper way so that no contamination to our environment and nature. So we should know some perfact methods to deal with them. The disposal of biodegradable plastic bags depends on the specific type of material and the facilities available in your area.

Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Check for Instructions: Many biodegradable plastic bags come with specific instructions on disposal. Look for any labeling or information on the bag that provides guidance.
  2. Home Composting: Some biodegradable plastics are suitable for home composting. If the bag is labeled as compostable and meets standards like ASTM D6400 or EN 13432, you may be able to compost it in your home compost bin. Ensure that your composting system reaches the required temperatures to break down the material.
  3. Industrial Composting: If your community has access to industrial composting facilities, check whether they accept biodegradable plastics. These facilities provide controlled conditions that accelerate the biodegradation process. Be sure to follow any guidelines or regulations provided by the composting facility.
  4. Waste Collection Programs: Some municipalities have specific waste collection programs for biodegradable or compostable materials. Check with your local waste management authority to see if they accept biodegradable plastics in their green waste or compost bins.
  5. Landfill Disposal: If no other options are available, and the bag is not labeled as compostable, it may end up in a landfill. In this case, the biodegradation process may be slower due to the lack of suitable conditions. However, some biodegradable plastics are designed to break down in anaerobic conditions found in landfills.
  6. Recycling: It’s crucial to note that not all biodegradable plastics are recyclable. Check with your local recycling program to see if they accept biodegradable plastics and follow their guidelines.

Always follow local regulations and guidelines for waste disposal to ensure proper handling of biodegradable plastic bags. If in doubt, contact your local waste management authority for specific instructions in your area. Additionally, promoting the use of reusable bags and reducing overall plastic consumption remains a more sustainable approach to waste management.

Nowaday people have used to plastic shpping bags when they go shopping, they also often put these bags into recycling trash bin. If they will use Biodegradable shopping bags ,Instead of traditional plastic shopping bags.

Biodegradable plastic shopping bags Instead of fuel fossil bag

The use of biodegradable plastic shopping bags as an alternative to traditional fossil fuel-based plastic bags is a topic of debate and consideration. While biodegradable plastics may seem like a more environmentally friendly option, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons and consider the broader environmental impact. Here are some points to consider:

biodegradable shopping bags


  1. Reduced Environmental Impact: Biodegradable plastics can break down more easily than traditional plastics, potentially reducing the environmental impact of plastic waste.
  2. Renewable Resources: Some biodegradable plastics are derived from renewable resources, such as plant-based materials, which can be seen as a more sustainable alternative to fossil fuel-based plastics.

Challenges and Considerations:

  1. Biodegradation Conditions: Biodegradable plastics require specific conditions, such as exposure to sunlight, heat, and microorganisms, to break down effectively. If these conditions are not present, the biodegradation process may be slow or incomplete.
  2. Resource Intensity: The production of biodegradable plastics may still involve the use of energy and resources, and not all biodegradable plastics are made from entirely renewable sources. The overall environmental impact depends on the specific material and production processes.
  3. Recycling Challenges: Biodegradable plastics can complicate recycling processes. If they are mixed with traditional plastics in recycling streams, they can contaminate the recycling process. Separating and recycling biodegradable plastics may require specific infrastructure.
  4. Landfill Impact: In landfills, where conditions for biodegradation may be suboptimal, biodegradable plastics might not break down as intended, leading to potential environmental issues.
  5. Promotion of Reusables: Advocates for sustainability often emphasize the promotion of reusable bags as a more effective way to reduce the environmental impact of plastic bags.

Holistic Approach:

Addressing the environmental impact of plastic bags involves considering the entire lifecycle of the material. A holistic approach may include:

  • Reducing overall plastic consumption: Encouraging the use of reusable bags and minimizing single-use plastic usage.
  • Innovative Materials: Supporting research and development of alternative materials with lower environmental impact.
  • Recycling Infrastructure: Enhancing recycling infrastructure and promoting responsible disposal practices.

In conclusion, while biodegradable plastics may offer certain benefits, they are not a standalone solution. A comprehensive strategy involves a combination of reducing consumption, promoting reuse, exploring alternative materials, and improving waste management practices.